Hello there!
If you’re here, it means you’re interested in the usage rights for the creative work by Glen E. Grant, often known simply as Glen Grant. We’re here to clarify these details for you. Let’s get started!

Copyright and Rights of Usage © Glen E. Grant

Every piece of creative work by Glen E. Grant – encompassing photographs, videos, AI-generated art, derivative works, and other digital creations – is under strict copyright protection. As the creator, Glen possesses exclusive rights over these works, including reproduction, distribution, and public display, in alignment with Canadian copyright laws.

Take note, the images you see on this website are there for your immediate enjoyment and appreciation of Glen’s work. However, they are not intended to be copied or redistributed in any manner without express permission.

Glen E. Grant's Copyright and Usage Rights document explaining the protection and usage of Glen's creative content, including photographs, videos, generative art, and derivative works, with the emphasis on respecting the copyright and the process of acquiring licenses for commercial use

Here’s a rundown of what you can and can’t do with Glen’s work:

Copyright - Explained
  • Personal Use: Purchases or received images from Glen are for personal use.
    This includes social media sharing (with credit to Glen E. Grant) or personal displays.
    Commercial use requires a distinct agreement in writing provided by Glen.
  • Commercial Use: For business-related activities, a tailored license agreement is necessary, addressing specific usage terms.
  • AI-Generated Works: Special considerations apply to AI-generated content, given its unique nature.
    Usage of such works follows similar guidelines but may require specific licensing arrangements.

Very ImportantLegal Jurisdiction
Keep in mind, Glen is all in for protecting his creative work and copyright. Legal and protective measures related to his work fall under the jurisdiction of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This is fully aligned with the Canadian Bill C-11, the Copyright Modernization Act, underlining Glen’s earnest intent to uphold his copyright.

This ensures a consistent legal framework, especially important as our photography and digital creations span across various regions. Our adherence to Ontario’s legal system complements the national protections, offering a comprehensive legal approach to safeguarding our creative rights.

Thanks for your interest in the creative outputs of Glen E. Grant!